The Climate Workshop Podcast
The Climate Workshop Podcast was launched by Peter Bowden and Tim DeChristopher in 2017 and was put on hold in 2018 with Tim stepping down as co-host.
The next phase of the podcast will be with Peter Bowden and friends!
When are we re-launching? Will we live stream recording sessions? What about other events and collaborations? Subscribe to stay in the loop!
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Peter and Friends!
As we look to the next phase of the podcast, Tim has officially stepped down as co-host.
I will be producing and hosting the podcast moving forward. What's it going to be like? That's to be determined but it will likely include lots of collaboration and experimentation!
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I'm glad you're here. If you have thoughts about the podcast, I'd love to hear from you.
Peter Bowden

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As the Climate Workshop moves forward, we'd love to keep in touch. Sign up for low volume emails related to this podcast and associated projects, experiments, and events. Thanks!
All climate workshop. No spam. Unsubscribe any time.