I'm talking with leaders about regathering their congregations this Fall. One of my recommendations? Think about it like we are RELAUNCHING our congregations. That's the kind of spirit and energy I think we need to bring to our regathering efforts.
Not just gathering again, but a full relaunch. New energy, new models, new opportunities -- new and exciting!!!
I know that's a lot. But I think that's what we need to bring people back and to welcome new members in.
This is serious business, especially with the pandemic accelerating declining attendance trends. Enough to make me put on my serious face...
But it is also incredibly exciting!
Our challenge?
To reconnect our communities -- including outreach to newcomers -- we need more effective communication, leaders using social media and video in ways that build relationships and deploy intentional strategies to help people take their next steps in congregational life.
That's a lot to figure out.
So my recommendation is to NOT try and figure it out all on your own. Let me help you. I've been working on this for years.
Unitarian Universalist congregations (my home denomination) are invited to join my new UU Digital Ministry Academy program!
Our first live training is coming up Saturday. For those who can't make it, there will be other repeat sessions plus on-demand video content available.
Members of the program get access to all program live trainings, strategy sessions, implementation events, and replays and other content on-demand.
To learn more and join us visit: http://www.digitalministryacademy.com
PS -- Short on time? Below is a 90-second explanation of UU Digital Ministry Academy.
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