Wednesday Hot Topics 🔥 Ministry Strategy Session
Some strategic thoughts for congregations on pre-recorded worship and other video content versus live content.
Pre-recording worship gives you amazing control. This can be seductive and pull you into a "perfection" trap. Be mindful of prioritizing high-quality content (important) over a worship and ministry design that promotes interaction, relationship, conversation (critical in my opinion).
We need to be striving to build relationships and a connection to your local congregation and local community.
If the priority is on high quality "content" over relationship, you're going to be competing with the top spiritual and faith-based influencers online. Your worship design and use of technology should advance your ministry objectives.
About this week's sessions
This week, February 8 through February 12, I'm going live daily to discuss digital ministry, hybrid church models, and other HOT TOPICS based on your interest.
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