Unitarian Universalist 
Growth, Outreach, and Media with Peter Bowden

Welcome!  I'm Peter Bowden, an independent Unitarian Universalist trainer, coach, strategist, media producer, and ministry innovator. 

Below you may connect with me and access featured UU growth resources, trainings, and projects. 


Get my latest on UU Growth, Outreach, and Media 

I'll send content to help you lead and grow UU congregations, ministries, and justice efforts in today's rapidly changing and digitally oriented.

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Building a Digital Path to Membership

A free one hour online training with Peter Bowden for clergy, staff, and volunteer congregational leaders.

Learn how to support online visitors, help them pre-qualify themselves for membership, and connect with your congregation!

✅  Includes Digital Self-Audit tool

Free Training

Video Message Academy

You use the internet.  Video is everywhere!   Learn how to use online video to connect, engage and inspire participation in congregational life.

Video Message Academy for Congregations offers my top video strategies, video making tips, content outlines and more! 

Subscribe to my UU email list and be notified when enrollment opens for August 2024 LIVE SESSIONS with corresponding on-demand course and resources.

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Strategy Sessions

I offer one-on-one and team strategy sessions for clergy, staff and volunteer teams. These range from 60-minute sessions to 3 hours mini-retreats.

Share your interests via the form on my Contact Page and I'll send you rates and a scheduling link. 

Contact Peter

Pulpit Supply / Guest Preaching

I speak at UU congregations throughout New England (UUA New England Region) and in other areas in conjunction with training events. 

• UU Growth Related Topics
• Adapting to Digital Life
• Small Group Ministry
• Artificial Intelligence

Contact Peter

Workshops & Seminars

As trainer, coach and ministry innovator specializing in UU growth, outreach, and media, I offer custom training and enrichment programs for religious professionals, staff, volunteers leaders.

This includes programs for professional chapter groups, denominational leaders, seminary classes, conferences, congregational staff teams, and congregational retreats. 

Topics Include:

• UU Growth Strategies
• Membership Development
• Small Group Ministry
• Digital Ministry / Leadership
• Digital Strategy, Social Media
• Shared & Decentralized Ministry
• Artificial Intelligence Topics

For booking, please share your interest using the form on my contact page.

Contact Peter

Peter Bowden on YouTube

My Peter Bowden YouTube channel is where I share public content for congregations, nonprofits, and other leaders. If you’d like to get new videos as they are released, SUBSCRIBE on Youtube and then click the bell icon.

You have to hit the bell icon otherwise YouTube won’t tell you when new videos are released.

Want email updates? Here you go!

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Audio Podcast

I'm building the practice of sharing audio content through my podcast.  Follow my podcast for free and get new episodes automatically delivered to your device!  

• Apple Podcasts
• Google Podcasts
• Amazon
• Spotify
• iHeartRADIO

More Listening Options

The UU Growth Lab

I'm excited to share that I’m relaunching the UU Growth Lab to help Unitarian Universalists learn, experiment, and play with new strategies. 

We need to accelerate our rate of change and innovation.  All Unitarian Universalist clergy, staff, and volunteer leaders are invited to participate.

I'll share more in upcoming July and August 2024 email updates.  Subscribe to learn more.

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How may I be of service?